World Freestyle e.V. presents: the open german freestyle championship 2024!
2024 has truly been an extraordinary year for freestyle!
We’ve witnessed remarkable growth worldwide, with new events, workshops, and competitions bringing together record numbers of attendees and delivering impressive, skillfully crafted runs across all divisions.
The dedication and talent on display have inspired a whole new wave of newcomers to join the organized freestyle community.
While the World Freestyle Skateboarding Championships were incredible, our efforts were unfortunately dampened by unexpected bad weather, leaving us with a bit of disappointment.
Determined to make it up to our community, the World Freestyle Association has been working hard to create another exciting opportunity to bring us all together.
We’re thrilled to announce the Open German Freestyle Competition 2024!
After more than a decade, the German Championship is returning to the Ruhr area! This year, it will be hosted at the indoor skatepark at Dietrich-Keuning-Haus in Dortmund on December 7, 2024.
This competition is open to skaters from all countries and divisions—so whether or not you’re from Germany, we encourage you to register and join us!
Visit our website to register and keep up with all the latest updates on our social media channels.
We know the event is coming up soon, but we’re excited to create a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere to make up for the short notice.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Glück auf!
P.S.: True to the motto “the world under one roof,” we’ve secured a roof for Worlds 2025!